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One of our accredited Retrofit Assessors will visit your property to gather more information and explain the process. They will advise you on what insulation products are going to save you money based on a property assessment and a few simple questions. The survey is free of charge.

Insulating a floor means adding an insulating material beneath the floorboards, thereby reducing heat escaping through the floor into the ground. Approximately 15-20% of heat is lost from a property via this route. Insulation also acts to prevent draughts from coming up through the floorboards.

The Provincial Seals System
comprises lightweight, non-combustible glass mineral rolls. The design has proved to be fast and efficient with built-in draught proofing. The system eliminates netting and reduces installation time.

The Provincial Seals System comprises lightweight, non-combustible glass mineral rolls.

The EZY-FIT Underfloor Insulation System
comprises EZY-FIT UFI Rolls which are made of non-combustible Glass Mineral Wool, designed specifically for use under suspended timber floors.

The Ezy Fit underfloor insulation system designed for suspended timber floors


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